- Remembered that heart stone only points in a cardinal direction so the blood scrying idea is not so great
- Investigated ankh symbol jars before we slept last time and didn't discover anything, there were other organs in them but nothing stolen
- Quest and Lil J scared by nightmares; Quest wanted to bury the amulets theorising they were the cause. Figured out that might be dangerous, Jon offered to take them so handed them all over!
- Scouting we saw some people headed in our direction and other movements
- Headed off towards Stillbend
- Encountered a crashed cart by the side of the road with a father and daughter, father in the back with the same disease that Quest and Lil J caught from the mummy; he travelled from Arlyon, camped north of Arlyon. Jon was able to heal the father.
- Gave them one of our seeing stones as they're heading to Pyra and the Wintercrest Festival, told them to show a red cross through it if there's trouble, Pip and Kurst
- Headed on to Stillbend, very big crowd gathered, revelry, Wintercrest happening here too
- Headed to Jostyll's tower and found it unoccupied. Her calendar said she was out visiting Shakey etc and the docks so we split up
- Saw a huge galley flying the flag for the god Zehir (poison and assassins!) down at the docks
- Shakey offered some job getting an item from the woman on the galley, poison, obvious
- Decided to head to the temple and saw Lala the head of Ioun, the robots were still there, modrons, there's a larger one there this time, triangular one, directing them
- Lala pointed us to the library and found Jostyll there, told her about the heart of an ancient being and showed her the blood to use, she thought it might work, headed off with her
- Quest spoke with a modron, said it was gathering the wild magic for Primus to help against "him", "it", some enemy?
- Jostyll experimented with the blood on her heart stone. Sort of pointed us towards the east, southeast, and the light sort of moved, heading northern direction, moving fairly fast, possibly
- Tried the amulet that Alistair blessed on the heart stone but it just pointed to Jon, couldn't locate Alistair with it
- Gave up and went to have a drink at the pub we went past earlier! Dragon's Nest
- Jon won the drinking competition, possibly gained some respect in Shakey's eyes!
- Quest went to the Bardic Guild and told a story for his room, all seemed fine there.
- Quest looked in the seeing stone before bed and saw smoke coming from the white temple and clerics milling about, looks like it was attacked, not many white clerics around
- Jon and Lil J had some horrific dreams and Quest was fine, it's the amulets!
- Saw gallows being set up in Pyra. We thought we might head there next as we don't seem to have other leads that we know how to follow!
- Found a ship to take us there no problems!
- Headed down to the temple district and Jon spoke to them. Men came in the night and desecrated the place, killed clerics.
- Apparently gallows set up for Fade agents that we stopped before
- Went to palace to ask to talk to the agents before they're executed.
- Katar scouted outside the city to find any possible forced entry or something. Saw some scratch marks on trees nearby that hang over walls and evidence of trying to dig under the wall possibly but might be animals.
- We made it into the palace. Gudrun was greeted warmly, they were very grateful, asked her what she would like in return for reopening the trade route
- Confirmed that Alistair is missing after the recent attack
- Wanted to request to see the fade agent to talk, they were convinced that they'd already questioned them a lot, but we told them about the urgency of the situation and they acceded
- We thought we could try a few different techniques, try convincing them that one of us was a double agent with Margaret's disguise skills and some charisma etc or pretend to be breaking them out etc.
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