Thursday 15 September 2016


Left Red Plume and journeyed North to Arlyon.
Blackened earth as got closer to the town. Not sure of cause.
Entered town. Wooden buildings all rotting, no vegetation growing.
Only one stone building standing. Entered it. Blackened pool of water inside, tall tree growing. Man hanging from tree.
Lowered man, cleric of Pelor. Buried him in burial ground.
Looked in gravekeepers shack, found another obsidian seeing stone.
Jon sought out evil, seemed to eminate from near river.
Checked out well with use of a snake, lowered all the way to the bottom. No water in it?
Saw sunken blue eyes and flash of a sword before snake taken out.
Party lowered selves down well, Jon clattering down with Lil'J on his back.
Found large waterfall running into a pool of water. Fish within it?
Heard footsteps and tried to sneak nearer. Figure approached and tried to attack.
Managed to manoeuvre within narrow hallways and attack it back, obsidian powder plan didn't work out.
Sunk scorching ray into it and magic missile finally managed to destroy it.
Corpse burning on obsidian powder. Not sure what lurks ahead!

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