Thursday, 15 September 2016


- We investigated the desk while Quest took the traumatised guard downstairs and tried to calm him
- "Cause fear, destroy the silver string", Lil J found this message in one of the letters in the desk, magically hidden
- Merchand the guard said he'd been under "Kelvin's" control for a few days. Said the bloke was acting as an intermediary, passing on messages between Fade agents via magic paper system. Last message was to destroy the Stonesthrow pub in Pyrah. Good news is we now have one of their magic pieces of paper, and guard confirmed all messages were done on the same sheet, so we can spy!
- Sent Lando the owl out 
- Looked through the telescope there that the Fade agent was using and it was pointed at the Bardic Guild in Stillbend 
- Also looked at different areas including Red Plume orcs, saw details of the camp, 80-90 strong, human labour force, staked village, large tent in middle, and a staked pit
- Buried the bodies and had a long rest
- People that held the evil amulets had more bad dreams, being turned into undead skeletons
- Headed towards the cave the next morning
- Approached entrance to cave and saw stone blocking the way, a carved gaping mouth with recessed stone inside; inscribed with Camemell, recently put there 
- Touched door and heard it say "who goes there". Managed to solve the riddle and get inside
- Saw three doors, one with an eye, one with ear, one with hand, and four statues each holding a different weapon; rapier, great axe, great sword and morning star, also a trap door with three precious gems in it 
- Long story short, we took a very long time to solve some very short puzzles. Trap door unlocked!
- Opened trap door and went down to a door. Musical notation on it; figured it out and proceeded into next room
- Came up against the ghost of Pearce, we mentioned Daisy and it angered him, started to attack us!

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