Thursday 15 September 2016


Spoke to Gorkil before sleeping. Asked her to brew something to increase strength. Used ogre tooth as component for it. Told the longer it brews, the more potent it becomes. 
Quest took to bed as feeling incredibly sick from firewater. 
Woke to number of humans begging for food, water, shelter. Turned away by guards on order of Muzga.
A ranger, Katar, who arrived with those begging suggested making camp North. Jon attempted to lead to a flood plain, but set up camp in forest north of red plume on Katar's advice. Jon and Gudrun made couple of trips for supplies. Muzga cast out Gudrun for helping the infirm. 
Decided to head to stillbend with cast outs. 
Headed via watchtower. Katar leading the way. Scouted ahead and found lone kobold prowling. Took it out quickly.
Made camp at watchtower- some kind of gathering in Stillbend? 
Continued on narrow mountain pass. Jon almost fell down ravine trying leapfrog over cast outs. Pack of kobolds attacked!
Dealt with kobolds quickly, Gudrun smashing those she could with her great axe, Jon exploding one with a guiding bolt, and Katar shooting a flying one with his longbow.
Continued on to Stillbend with the army of pensioners, armed with the kobold's weapons - now dubbed the 'grey army'. 
Festivities happening in Stillbend. Jon managed to get pickpocketed.
Made way to temple of Ioun but nowhere to stay. Tried the silver string instead. Had to perform to stay. 
Rousing performance of flute, drumming, and chanting allowed the group to stay within the dorms. Just before sleep, felt warm sensation in backpack reading:
From: no one.
Arlyon calls.

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