Monday 16 January 2017


- Lil J went to the library and found out about the world and gods and potential cardinal artefacts etc! And dragons and Dragonborn.
- Jon and Quest went to the airship to meet the pirate captain fellow, had to bribe with some expensive mead to get in! Toked with him too... he'd want a bigger badder ship in exchange for support; maybe something less vulnerable to dragons. Said about maybe alliance with magic lady. He could help us find one of the cardinal artefacts?
- He said about Blood Bay, old shipwreck before his time, Ardwall, something there? Dangerous, squalls.
- Lap of the Valley could make him a bigger ship? Druids can help Salah'gliss. Maybe somehow get the airship guys to help the Druids somehow. All sorts of ideas!
- Went to the meeting - on the way we ran into an angel?! Jon spoke with her. Promised Pellor's guidance and asked him to pray with her. Asked Jon to help her rebuild the lost temples of Pellor. And find the lost clerics as well, to get their help. Weirdly she said Alistair is alive. Wanted us to help him.
- Continued on! Weirdly guy in burgundy robe made Quest's stomach lurch when he passed him, tried to follow but lost him.
- Went to meeting room, gave us a couple tokens.
- Spoke with Lap of the Valley about things and he just wanted to vote with us!
- Cecelia wants to have her troops transported and that's it supposedly, oozing courtesy and charm.
- Meeting started. Cecelia wants a bridge to cross the land, a way to ostensibly supply Lap of the Valley with ore. Druids would like to help but his sister is problem. Salah'gliss wants her brood healed and asked the Druid directly. Bran knew something of a cardinal artefact at the Temple of Bahamut. He didn't know if it could power the city; had never had the ability to find it but really wanted to. Helm of Bahamut.
- Druid didn't want to promise he wouldn't attack his sister.
- Proposal came up to supply Orin the troll with ore to help build bridge to supply Lap of the Valley, who would send engineers as well. Sorted that one!
- Offered Tibalt to help the sky city lady with supplies, so she doesn't have to use elementals. In exchange she would stop the siege; and also would want the artefact, probably Helm of Bahamut; Orin voted against but persuaded him with the Pyra vote that Lil J got him to agree to do earlier. Salah’gliss would meanwhile offer the Druids some protection in return for their potential healing. Consensus reached! 

Tuesday 10 January 2017


- In market district of Dun Eamon, saw a few Druids walking down the street in animal form, followed them to where the General Secretary is
- Met with a councillor who recommended we speak with people and figure out a good compromise with the people we represent
- Said we can go to the Red Falcon for lodgings; found out from girl there where to find different representatives
- Meeting would start just before midnight
- We split up and went to meet different councillors, found out various info about different councillors and their perspective on the conflict and what's going on in their own lands
- Margaret got herself involved in the tourney!
- Lil J managed to bribe the troll representative to give us his vote!
- Met with Lap of the Valley back at the inn. Mentioned the Cardinal Artefacts, the scaled throne being one of them, one for each of the gods and told us of the three brothers, one of them threatens us and gnomes are in front line, and he rides big black dragon with no known weaknesses. Fun! 

Thursday 17 November 2016

Griselda's fortunes

Lil' J - the magician, the hanged man.
Your quest for knowledge is a facade for that of power. You aim to have dominion over others, and your aim to do so is going to bring ruin on civilisation, the 4th age of man will be brought on by your misdeeds, and could be prevented if you truly understood your powers. Your flaw is that you already think you do.

Jon - the pope, the fool.
Your holiness radiates from you, and is a crutch on which you lean. The fool - representing the potential downfall of others. You try to spread wealth, joy, hope to others, but you are on a path that is only going to lead to self doubt, poverty, and pestilence. You keep everything you have at arms distance and for that, you will forever be tormented with things beyond your reach.

Quest - the devil, judgement.
I see your infernal ruin inside. You act as if you have those thoughts and feelings under control, but in reality it is you being guided and bound by it. I see you drawn to the flame and compelling yourself and your compatriots to surrender your soul to the heat of the earth. Only you can stop it, yet you do nothing to act on it. The devil both within and without is waiting to prey on you unless you are able to have the presence of thought to resist. 

Margaret - justice, wheel of fortune.
Unbeknownst to you, but time has been ticking. You search for your family, yes? Their time may already be up, and unless you can find out how to influence time itself, yours may be too. How has it come to be that you are still so young yet your knowledge is based on things that happened longer ago? I cannot say how long, but it can only end in misery if your sands of time empty. Those that you seek passed long ago, and so you may never gain the satisfaction of bringing justice to them. You will have to take risks in order to seek the justice you feel you need.

Katar - the hermit, the emperor. I see you being hopeful to one day do good with the power you feel you should be entitled to, however you will never get the chance to act on it unless you seize the power yourself. You will be faced with a terrible choice; to sacrifice one to save the many, or allow the many to suffer a long and terrible rule at their hands but with your conscience clear. Your affinity with the earth may be your ultimate downfall as the hermit always dies alone.


- Headed to Esterport
- Already been poisoned, welcoming poison ritual!
- Heated debate about a storm coming our way, not sure what to do about it
- Salah thinks merpeople are angry, the sailors are worried and think they can't go north due to the merfolk, it's a problem as the sailors aren't necessarily slaves, in fact they're not, more like equals
- She used Suggestion on Quest and he persuaded the sailors to go north
- Got attacked by merfolk and lost half the crew! Managed to fight them off though. Helped clean up. Quest stormed off
- Quest not hiding his dislike for Salah! She still thinks he'd be of use to her and wants him to be persuaded to her view
- We all helped sailors run the ship and headed to Esterport
- Boats arrived for us, went to the docks.
- Headed to the Salt Spray pub after we arrived. Jon offered to go see the boat driver's Mum, got to know Jeb, Jon made a light house figurine for him! Went to the pub with him.
- Jeb took us to see his Mum! Fortune teller. Lil J asked to have his fortune told. We decided to all join in!

- The woman was scared by the state of Lil J's hands, she started to transform before his eyes, and cast an evil spell on us, she was a hag!

Thursday 27 October 2016


- Took Kor to Silver String but no sign of Daisy yet. Jon stayed with Kor until the evening performances. Quest and Lil J and Margaret went to the Temple of Ioun to try and find out about the Ironstead brothers. Katar went shopping!
 - Ironstead now mostly populated by Dragonborn these days after a disaster 100-150 years ago drove the Dwarves out.
 - Dragonborn war a lot, current brothers are likely descended from a particular standout Dragonborn leader that had three children, found by Quest in a genealogy of the area.
- Katar got our black powder! Hid it in a nearby forest.
- Learnt at the docks that only a large galley could handle the rough waters near Dun Eamon. We went to the big ship and asked the mercenaries there. We arranged a meeting with the lady of the ship at the Dragon's Nest. Headed there.
- Daisy arrived back at the Silver String and was relieved to see Kor. Spoke a little with her about franchising with her in Pyrah! She seems happy to potentially help.
- The lady eventually arrived at the Dragon's Nest. We discussed, she wanted our support on the council when we spoke of it, to strengthen her brood, she's a Huanti. She wanted us to say yes to whatever she wants. She's Salah-gliss, the second CC on the invite.
- Quest immediately wanted to go and research the Huanti. We couldn't find much. Just that they were quick to anger, tended to be violent, inflict prolonged suffering via poisons. Led by a Brood Lord and slaves used as breeding, and a Broodguard, which Salah is the head of. They're fairly new. Kind of evil sounding!
- We all headed back to the Silver String. Had a confab, decided to talk with Jostyll and Shakey about Salah.
- Jostyll was asked by Salah for support in the future in exchange for stopping the Orcs potentially. Jostyll didn't seem to know quite what to make of her. Eventually Margaret got out of Jostyll that Salah's brood is sick, potentially dying. That's why she's looking into alchemical ingredients, she's trying to cure them, only started recently. Brood Lord is worried. She probably wants assurances at Dun Eamon of a cure for her brood.
- Quest and Jon went to see Shaky. Salah wanted what comes through Shaky, and threatened him a lot, why he doesn't like her, doesn't trust her anyway. He felt that if she needs us, she needs us alive and to do what she says. Quest didn't like it but Jon wondered about possibly using her to get to Dun Eamon and learn about her plans in the process perhaps. Shaky was keen to give us an opportunity to betray or kill her. He gave us five red vials, anti toxin to take if we thought we were in danger.
- We went back to the Silver String and confabbed. We decided it was best to keep our enemies closer and keep Salah close! Grudgingly agreed. Also sent a letter to the Red Plume asking for their help with Highhill Keep, that they could keep the territory.
- We went to the boat and accepted her deal. Help!

Friday 21 October 2016


- Debated about how to help the King. Replaced the holy water with fresh pure stuff. - Wondered if it was a curse, couldn't find any magic influence there - Lil J and Jon managed to insult Gillup, wasn't keen on us staying! We sort of persuaded him not to throw us out. - Detected some poison, totally feint, not likely to be a real poison. So probably not magic or poison. Still needed to check for diseases and curses. We weren't so sure how to do this. - Tried using Awakened Mind to contact the King, no reply - Decided some research needed for diseases and curses that it could be - Lil J and Quest went to do some research at Temple of Ioun, wanted to look into curses and diseases. Curses in particular. Curses were primarily to just weaken people a bit and such, maybe not something as strong as what the King has. Could be some very high level curses like Feeble Mind, sort of arcane. Looked through diseases as well. More like internal damage and paralysis and sleep and such, can inflict poison in and of itself. - Might need specially designed potions to remove a curse. Diseases would be easier. - They haven't tried removing disease spell, possibly not remove curse - Blane said he couldn't fix a Heartstone, barely knew what it was - Tried to persuade Gillup to let us cast remove curse and remove disease. He took all of our equipment and arcane focuses etc and restrained us. Margaret used a remove disease spell on him, and it worked! A startled King awoke and started questioning everything. Gillup gave us our things back and Jon gave the King some further healing. - Jon and Margaret would stay with the King. And the Prince was summoned. Got some food for him etc! - Discussed with the King about possible recompense, welcomed our desire to have the Stonesthrow and call it the King's Phoenix. He asked us to go as his representative to the meeting that Lap of the Valley mentioned. Might have to charter a vessel to get to Dun Eamon! - The King remembered a very large hand on the back of his neck, wanted us to find the ones who did this to him. - Would head to Stillbend with the girl that we rescued from the Fade potentially or do what she wants, would ask her - Left instructions to check for the evil Fade tattoos and confiscate amulets etc. - We went back to the Stonesthrow. Found Kurst in a bad state and the girls playing together, didn't seem good idea to leave him in control. Wondered what to do! - Managed to persuade Kurst to get his act together, Quest revealed he'd been drinking the King's alcohol and filled his head with stories of bad things that would happen if the King found out! He seemed thoroughly persuaded! - Asked Kor how she felt about things, where she'd like to go etc! Felt it was best to take her back to the Silver String and maybe drop a message about our new pub! Franchising! - Slept overnight and went to the docks! Found some potential boats to take us but it was expensive! Had to use much of our money just to get to Stillbend.