Thursday 17 November 2016


- Headed to Esterport
- Already been poisoned, welcoming poison ritual!
- Heated debate about a storm coming our way, not sure what to do about it
- Salah thinks merpeople are angry, the sailors are worried and think they can't go north due to the merfolk, it's a problem as the sailors aren't necessarily slaves, in fact they're not, more like equals
- She used Suggestion on Quest and he persuaded the sailors to go north
- Got attacked by merfolk and lost half the crew! Managed to fight them off though. Helped clean up. Quest stormed off
- Quest not hiding his dislike for Salah! She still thinks he'd be of use to her and wants him to be persuaded to her view
- We all helped sailors run the ship and headed to Esterport
- Boats arrived for us, went to the docks.
- Headed to the Salt Spray pub after we arrived. Jon offered to go see the boat driver's Mum, got to know Jeb, Jon made a light house figurine for him! Went to the pub with him.
- Jeb took us to see his Mum! Fortune teller. Lil J asked to have his fortune told. We decided to all join in!

- The woman was scared by the state of Lil J's hands, she started to transform before his eyes, and cast an evil spell on us, she was a hag!

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