Thursday, 27 October 2016


- Took Kor to Silver String but no sign of Daisy yet. Jon stayed with Kor until the evening performances. Quest and Lil J and Margaret went to the Temple of Ioun to try and find out about the Ironstead brothers. Katar went shopping!
 - Ironstead now mostly populated by Dragonborn these days after a disaster 100-150 years ago drove the Dwarves out.
 - Dragonborn war a lot, current brothers are likely descended from a particular standout Dragonborn leader that had three children, found by Quest in a genealogy of the area.
- Katar got our black powder! Hid it in a nearby forest.
- Learnt at the docks that only a large galley could handle the rough waters near Dun Eamon. We went to the big ship and asked the mercenaries there. We arranged a meeting with the lady of the ship at the Dragon's Nest. Headed there.
- Daisy arrived back at the Silver String and was relieved to see Kor. Spoke a little with her about franchising with her in Pyrah! She seems happy to potentially help.
- The lady eventually arrived at the Dragon's Nest. We discussed, she wanted our support on the council when we spoke of it, to strengthen her brood, she's a Huanti. She wanted us to say yes to whatever she wants. She's Salah-gliss, the second CC on the invite.
- Quest immediately wanted to go and research the Huanti. We couldn't find much. Just that they were quick to anger, tended to be violent, inflict prolonged suffering via poisons. Led by a Brood Lord and slaves used as breeding, and a Broodguard, which Salah is the head of. They're fairly new. Kind of evil sounding!
- We all headed back to the Silver String. Had a confab, decided to talk with Jostyll and Shakey about Salah.
- Jostyll was asked by Salah for support in the future in exchange for stopping the Orcs potentially. Jostyll didn't seem to know quite what to make of her. Eventually Margaret got out of Jostyll that Salah's brood is sick, potentially dying. That's why she's looking into alchemical ingredients, she's trying to cure them, only started recently. Brood Lord is worried. She probably wants assurances at Dun Eamon of a cure for her brood.
- Quest and Jon went to see Shaky. Salah wanted what comes through Shaky, and threatened him a lot, why he doesn't like her, doesn't trust her anyway. He felt that if she needs us, she needs us alive and to do what she says. Quest didn't like it but Jon wondered about possibly using her to get to Dun Eamon and learn about her plans in the process perhaps. Shaky was keen to give us an opportunity to betray or kill her. He gave us five red vials, anti toxin to take if we thought we were in danger.
- We went back to the Silver String and confabbed. We decided it was best to keep our enemies closer and keep Salah close! Grudgingly agreed. Also sent a letter to the Red Plume asking for their help with Highhill Keep, that they could keep the territory.
- We went to the boat and accepted her deal. Help!

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