Friday 21 October 2016


- Debated about how to help the King. Replaced the holy water with fresh pure stuff. - Wondered if it was a curse, couldn't find any magic influence there - Lil J and Jon managed to insult Gillup, wasn't keen on us staying! We sort of persuaded him not to throw us out. - Detected some poison, totally feint, not likely to be a real poison. So probably not magic or poison. Still needed to check for diseases and curses. We weren't so sure how to do this. - Tried using Awakened Mind to contact the King, no reply - Decided some research needed for diseases and curses that it could be - Lil J and Quest went to do some research at Temple of Ioun, wanted to look into curses and diseases. Curses in particular. Curses were primarily to just weaken people a bit and such, maybe not something as strong as what the King has. Could be some very high level curses like Feeble Mind, sort of arcane. Looked through diseases as well. More like internal damage and paralysis and sleep and such, can inflict poison in and of itself. - Might need specially designed potions to remove a curse. Diseases would be easier. - They haven't tried removing disease spell, possibly not remove curse - Blane said he couldn't fix a Heartstone, barely knew what it was - Tried to persuade Gillup to let us cast remove curse and remove disease. He took all of our equipment and arcane focuses etc and restrained us. Margaret used a remove disease spell on him, and it worked! A startled King awoke and started questioning everything. Gillup gave us our things back and Jon gave the King some further healing. - Jon and Margaret would stay with the King. And the Prince was summoned. Got some food for him etc! - Discussed with the King about possible recompense, welcomed our desire to have the Stonesthrow and call it the King's Phoenix. He asked us to go as his representative to the meeting that Lap of the Valley mentioned. Might have to charter a vessel to get to Dun Eamon! - The King remembered a very large hand on the back of his neck, wanted us to find the ones who did this to him. - Would head to Stillbend with the girl that we rescued from the Fade potentially or do what she wants, would ask her - Left instructions to check for the evil Fade tattoos and confiscate amulets etc. - We went back to the Stonesthrow. Found Kurst in a bad state and the girls playing together, didn't seem good idea to leave him in control. Wondered what to do! - Managed to persuade Kurst to get his act together, Quest revealed he'd been drinking the King's alcohol and filled his head with stories of bad things that would happen if the King found out! He seemed thoroughly persuaded! - Asked Kor how she felt about things, where she'd like to go etc! Felt it was best to take her back to the Silver String and maybe drop a message about our new pub! Franchising! - Slept overnight and went to the docks! Found some potential boats to take us but it was expensive! Had to use much of our money just to get to Stillbend.

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