Thursday, 17 November 2016

Griselda's fortunes

Lil' J - the magician, the hanged man.
Your quest for knowledge is a facade for that of power. You aim to have dominion over others, and your aim to do so is going to bring ruin on civilisation, the 4th age of man will be brought on by your misdeeds, and could be prevented if you truly understood your powers. Your flaw is that you already think you do.

Jon - the pope, the fool.
Your holiness radiates from you, and is a crutch on which you lean. The fool - representing the potential downfall of others. You try to spread wealth, joy, hope to others, but you are on a path that is only going to lead to self doubt, poverty, and pestilence. You keep everything you have at arms distance and for that, you will forever be tormented with things beyond your reach.

Quest - the devil, judgement.
I see your infernal ruin inside. You act as if you have those thoughts and feelings under control, but in reality it is you being guided and bound by it. I see you drawn to the flame and compelling yourself and your compatriots to surrender your soul to the heat of the earth. Only you can stop it, yet you do nothing to act on it. The devil both within and without is waiting to prey on you unless you are able to have the presence of thought to resist. 

Margaret - justice, wheel of fortune.
Unbeknownst to you, but time has been ticking. You search for your family, yes? Their time may already be up, and unless you can find out how to influence time itself, yours may be too. How has it come to be that you are still so young yet your knowledge is based on things that happened longer ago? I cannot say how long, but it can only end in misery if your sands of time empty. Those that you seek passed long ago, and so you may never gain the satisfaction of bringing justice to them. You will have to take risks in order to seek the justice you feel you need.

Katar - the hermit, the emperor. I see you being hopeful to one day do good with the power you feel you should be entitled to, however you will never get the chance to act on it unless you seize the power yourself. You will be faced with a terrible choice; to sacrifice one to save the many, or allow the many to suffer a long and terrible rule at their hands but with your conscience clear. Your affinity with the earth may be your ultimate downfall as the hermit always dies alone.

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